Friday, January 9, 2009

Wish You Were Here

That is the name of the episode ^ and also the name of one of my FAV songs.

Anyway, the very talented Eric Stoltz comes from behind the camera to guest in a three-episode arc. He plays William Dunn a death row inmate who is brought into the hospital after being stabbed. He reportedly comes between Meredeth and Derek. He says, "I would have to say that I insinuate myself in between Mer and Der in a way that isn't exactly helpful." I guess we'll see.

Also starting tonight is the beautiful Jessica Capshaw. She plays Dr Arizona Robbins, pediatric surgeon and a love interest for- Callie.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the devastatingly-handsome-but-dead-in-every-show guy, is back as Denny. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE JDM- that impish, sweet, shy smile and all but I don't like him back on this show. I don't want him (dead him) and Izzie having sex. I like Izzie and Alex- a lot.

Perry Reeves guests as Margaret, a patient with a "bone-sucking tumor". You may know her from Entourage. She plays Mrs Ari. She is EXCELLENT on that show.

Notes from the show
How funny is Jessica Capshaw on Heelys?

"Sexed up stalkers" -Dr Mark Sloan talking about the interns

I like Meredith and Yang fighting. I also like Dr Sloan and Lexipedia together- they were kinda HOT!

"I'm not going to a meeting to discuss my obsession with my best friend's girlfriend's half sister."- Dr M. Sloan to Callie after she suggests they are addicts (He has the best stuff!)

Ellen Pompeo is REALLY unattractive in this episode. I've never found her terribly attractive but she seems strange looking in this one. I can't really put my finger on the reason, though. Lip color? Hair down? Hmmm. She is maybe PREGNANT!!

"I can't do anything that would make you unhappy." -Denny's response to Izzie asking him not to make her choose between him and Alex. After she and Alex have sex (in the hospital). That is just weird. And it's bad for real men because they wouldn't say that. Also, is there THIS much sex in hospitals?

Mark and Callie were the best of the whole show.
"I'm going to denver!"

Alex made Izzie a cake- that was too sweet for words.


Kate said...

Oh, Eric Stoltz!

Sarah T. said...

Loved the banter btwn Callie & Mark. They would be a fun couple but they have a great chemistry as friends. I realize it's Mere's show but not a fan & she often looks kinds pasty & old. Where's the GG tv rundown?