Friday, September 19, 2008

Cry Every Show

Mom and I (usually not together though)(but often call each other) always watch Biggest Loser. Last season and this one that started Tuesday night, are Biggest Loser: Families. It's teams of two and some are married couples and some are parent/child. These are more heart tugging for me than just the non pared up shows.

The show is filled with lots of good tips and motivation. It is extreme, yes. All these people have to do is focus on losing weight- they are at a special "camp" with diet food/healthy food and they exercise all the time. They have personal trainers that kick their butts every step of the way: Jillian and Bob.

Ultimately though, the reason I love the show is because it shows that the true way to lose weight is to eat less (better) and to exercise more. No fad diets, no pills, just hard work. I love that. The show also, of course, shows these people who I KNOW. I can identify with so many of the emotions and the frustrations of these people.

Well, I don't have someone telling me, "Unless you faint, puke or die, keep walking." Which is what Jillian says to her team on Tuesday night's epi.


Kate said...

I love how they've done it with families. Ryan's worked so hard but he finally started really losing weight when I started supporting him. I wish I had done it sooner.

Jill Petersen said...

I watched Tuesday and I am so excited for this season! I have gotten pretty attached to it and so has my husband. He has to leave Tuesdays for the youth in our church so he usually misses it til the end but man it's a good show! It's hard for me though because I LOVE House! I missed the new one except the last 5 minutes. Now I am gonna have to watch it online! That's probably what I am going to have to do with a lot of my shows since they are back to back! DAMN networks!! ha ha! I LOVE FALL!!!