Wednesday, June 4, 2008

House Is A Mind Blower

If you are not watching House, you are missing out on: excellent writing, acting, chemistry and story lines. I just (finally!) watched the last two episodes of season 4 last night, House's Head (Part One) and Wilson's Heart (Part Two). They were absolutely phenomenal. Every single member of the cast was great, solid. Hugh Laurie, of course, gives me chills.

I think Hugh Laurie is simply amazing. I cannot find enough positive adjectives to describe him. They all do- brilliant, talented, attractive, funny, smart. His portrayal of Dr Gregory House is heartbreaking and chilling. I was really moved by him in these two episodes. I am always impressed with him, though.

Go watch House. Go HERE to read about the show. If you just missed a few of season 4's episodes, you can watch them there. I did that last night. You can catch all of season 4's episodes on Fox. Check your local listings. Rent or Netflix the past seasons. You'll love it!!

"I had a heart attack this morning. I can't do any more drugs until lunch." -Wilson's Heart

"You gonna trust me? I lie about everything." -House's Head

"Your biggest problem is I don't know what your biggest problem is." -House's Head

"Genetic defect; nice" -No More Mr Nice Guy

"That top makes you look like an afghani prostitute." -No More Mr Nice Guy

"Run him for everything you can thing of:lepto, schisto, hemo, and the fourth Marx Brother nobody's ever heard of." -No More Mr Nice Guy

"So syphilis prevents domestic violence? I'm gonna be even more attractive to the ladies." -No More Mr Nice Guy

"The problem with sleeping with strangers is... they're strange." -It's A Wonderful Life

"Dr Cuddy- the face that launched a thousand long faces." -Games

That is all of the House-isms today! I'll do more later because they are funny!!


Justin said...

(referring to his jacket) "It keeps me warm AND cool! How does it know?"

Definitely my favorite show of all time (tied with Lost). If you haven't watched it before, do it.

BTW, I read somewhere that House's character was modeled after Sherlock Holmes. I have no way of substantiating that but it makes pretty damn good sense to me.. Okay, now to find the Lost post so I can clutter it up with useless nonsense....

Jill Petersen said...

I heart house and I heart Hugh Laurie! This season rocked but I felt like I needed more! I can't wait until next season. It is in my top shows for sure! Drew thinks its interesting but won't sit long enough to actually watch a whole show. Doesn't want to admit how good it is!!!

Carolina Lange said...

That is an amazing show!

Di Pie said...

House is my FAVORITE show (excluding reality series)!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Hugh Laurie can doi ANYTHING! Anything you could possibly throw at him--Acting-wise: Comedy, Drama, Farce, Shakespeare....He is a wonderful special talent and we are lucky to have him on television here in America!

Wonderful writing on "HOUSE" too...That makes all the difference!

Sarah T. said...

We watch House. It is not one of our "have to watch and DVR if we miss," but we both enjoy it immensly and catch it when we can. It is a very smart and funny show.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.